Hey folk-n-rollers...
Just a quick note to say how great Labor Day weekend was at the Thirsty Ear Festival in Santa Fe, NM! Everybody I heard on either of the two stages just absolutely rocked the house, and a wonderful time was had by all. Even though the festival is over for the year, promoter extrodinaire Mike Koster is presenting several fine concerts this fall, and you should check 'em out... the man has some fine taste... also, I'm sure he'd love to hear your comments about the festival. Hit and get in touch and let him know how much we appreciate him!
It seems like the very morning after the festival, autumn arrived in northern New Mexico with some nice cool weather and the smell of woodsmoke in the air and apples and pears heavy on the trees... I'm excited! It's my favorite time of the year, and I seem to get more done and be happier doing it than any other time.... Well, raise your glass of absinthe to the season, and get out and commune with the musicians and check out some of the fine gigs that are upcoming!
Happy Autumn, you banjosnakers, you....
Just a quick note to say how great Labor Day weekend was at the Thirsty Ear Festival in Santa Fe, NM! Everybody I heard on either of the two stages just absolutely rocked the house, and a wonderful time was had by all. Even though the festival is over for the year, promoter extrodinaire Mike Koster is presenting several fine concerts this fall, and you should check 'em out... the man has some fine taste... also, I'm sure he'd love to hear your comments about the festival. Hit and get in touch and let him know how much we appreciate him!
It seems like the very morning after the festival, autumn arrived in northern New Mexico with some nice cool weather and the smell of woodsmoke in the air and apples and pears heavy on the trees... I'm excited! It's my favorite time of the year, and I seem to get more done and be happier doing it than any other time.... Well, raise your glass of absinthe to the season, and get out and commune with the musicians and check out some of the fine gigs that are upcoming!
Happy Autumn, you banjosnakers, you....