Check out my Gretsch! (and other updates)

Hey all!
Hope you're all having a beautiful spring... we here in Taos-weirdness-land are happy that the snows finally seem to have gone for a few months, but the wind is about to blow us all the way into Wyoming! But that's the way it is, and the winds have a romantic appeal of their own, anyway...
Well, there's a lot on the back-burner at the moment, and when everything comes to fruition I'll certainly update all y'all BanjoSnakers, but for the time being, just know that I'm still working hard to get you the finest in independent, local art, music, and writing. Just some of the stuff I'm picking at includes: more gigs (of course... solo, with Kim and the Caballeros, Los Changos Del Mar, Radio Free Bassanda, and perhaps a surprise for autumn... check out the gigs page for more up-to-the-minute info!) some group shows at Wilder-Nightingale Fine Art Gallery (especially one that's being bantered about for Day Of The Dead that I'm very excited about... and may debut some new pieces for!) some internal rumblings with my novel (I'd love to be published by a "major" of course, but rather than twiddle my thumbs waiting for that I may just offer a PDF download of the whole thing for y'all to get into right now... and maybe even a spoken-word downloadable audiobook, and a "soundtrack" of music to go with it...) and maybe even a VIDEO project or two!
In the mean time, check out the artwork on my Gretsch guitar, done by my great friend and Taos luminary Dan Enger! Kim took this photo of Dan and I holding this damn cool thing out in front of the Taos Inn's Adobe Bar before the last Kim and the Caballeros gig the other day... there's a long tradition of decorated Gretsches with bikers and skulls and pinstriping and bikini-babes and whatnot, and Dan's most excellent cig-smoking bandito is a perfect addition to my fine axe. Thanks, Dan!
Speaking of Dan, I've written what I think is a fine article about the man and his art, and even though we're shopping it around to a few art magazines, we're thinking about posting it here with some images of Dan's work, so keep on checking back!
Have a great summer, y'all, and keep a watch out for BanjoSnake activity in your area!